Sunday, September 15, 2013

2 Family sessions, a 6 month old, and I HAVE PROOFING NOW!!

YAY! Finally, I am happy to announce that I have officially added a proofing link for my website. ( )You can now purchase prints, canvas wraps, cell phone covers, and discs right from my site :) It still has some kinks I need to figure out ;) but eventually we will get there.

On some other news, I have been EXTREMELY busy lately. Here are some previews of some recent sessions

First, I got to meet Candace's family. We previously went out on a mini session for her sons first birthday (his 18 month is coming up!! Woo!). I seriously was laughing so hard at this family. It was a BLAST! They were cracking jokes and playing- also giving me some crazy looks ;) haha! Heres a preview of Candace, her brother, sister, and mother. Along with Landon - her son.

Then I went out and met up with Indirah, who is a fellow photographer. She actually bought my old camera from me- and thats how we met! We are constantly exchanging emails about photography tips. Here is here LOVELY family. Aren't they beautiful?!

And lastly, this weekend I went out and met with Maleah and her daughter, Arianna. What cute chubby cheeks! Oh my, Isn't she a doll? Grandpa and Auntie also tagged along and we got some super adorable cousin shots. I also loved that they brought props and ideas. Makes my job a little easier <3

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